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Freqtrade provides a builtin webserver, which can serve FreqUI, the freqtrade frontend.

By default, the UI is automatically installed as part of the installation (script, docker). freqUI can also be manually installed by using the freqtrade install-ui command. This same command can also be used to update freqUI to new new releases.

Once the bot is started in trade / dry-run mode (with freqtrade trade) - the UI will be available under the configured API port (by default

Looking to contribute to freqUI?

Developers should not use this method, but instead clone the corresponding use the method described in the freqUI repository to get the source-code of freqUI. A working installation of node will be required to build the frontend.

freqUI is not required to run freqtrade

freqUI is an optional component of freqtrade, and is not required to run the bot. It is a frontend that can be used to monitor the bot and to interact with it - but freqtrade itself will work perfectly fine without it.


FreqUI does not have it's own configuration file - but assumes a working setup for the rest-api is available. Please refer to the corresponding documentation page to get setup with freqUI


FreqUI is a modern, responsive web application that can be used to monitor and interact with your bot.

FreqUI provides a light, as well as a dark theme. Themes can be easily switched via a prominent button at the top of the page. The theme of the screenshots on this page will adapt to the selected documentation Theme, so to see the dark (or light) version, please switch the theme of the Documentation.


The below screenshot shows the login screen of freqUI.

FreqUI - login FreqUI - login


The Cors error shown in this screenshot is due to the fact that the UI is running on a different port than the API, and CORS has not been setup correctly yet.

Trade view

The trade view allows you to visualize the trades that the bot is making and to interact with the bot. On this page, you can also interact with the bot by starting and stopping it and - if configured - force trade entries and exits.

FreqUI - trade view FreqUI - trade view

Plot Configurator

FreqUI Plots can be configured either via a plot_config configuration object in the strategy (which can be loaded via "from strategy" button) or via the UI. Multiple plot configurations can be created and switched at will - allowing for flexible, different views into your charts.

The plot configuration can be accessed via the "Plot Configurator" (Cog icon) button in the top right corner of the trade view.

FreqUI - plot configuration FreqUI - plot configuration


Several UI related settings can be changed by accessing the settings page.

Things you can change (among others):

  • Timezone of the UI
  • Visualization of open trades as part of the favicon (browser tab)
  • Candle colors (up/down -> red/green)
  • Enable / disable in-app notification types

FreqUI - Settings view FreqUI - Settings view


When freqtrade is started in webserver mode (freqtrade started with freqtrade webserver), the backtesting view becomes available. This view allows you to backtest strategies and visualize the results.

You can also load and visualize previous backtest results, as well as compare the results with each other.

FreqUI - Backtesting FreqUI - Backtesting


This whole section is only necessary in cross-origin cases (where you multiple bot API's running on localhost:8081, localhost:8082, ...), and want to combine them into one FreqUI instance.

Technical explanation

All web-based front-ends are subject to CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Since most of the requests to the Freqtrade API must be authenticated, a proper CORS policy is key to avoid security problems. Also, the standard disallows * CORS policies for requests with credentials, so this setting must be set appropriately.

Users can allow access from different origin URL's to the bot API via the CORS_origins configuration setting. It consists of a list of allowed URL's that are allowed to consume resources from the bot's API.

Assuming your application is deployed as - this would mean that the following configuration becomes necessary:

    "jwt_secret_key": "somethingrandom",
    "CORS_origins": [""],

In the following (pretty common) case, FreqUI is accessible on http://localhost:8080/trade (this is what you see in your navbar when navigating to freqUI). freqUI url

The correct configuration for this case is http://localhost:8080 - the main part of the URL including the port.

    "jwt_secret_key": "somethingrandom",
    "CORS_origins": ["http://localhost:8080"],

trailing Slash

The trailing slash is not allowed in the CORS_origins configuration (e.g. "http://localhots:8080/"). Such a configuration will not take effect, and the cors errors will remain.


We strongly recommend to also set jwt_secret_key to something random and known only to yourself to avoid unauthorized access to your bot.