
usage: freqtrade [-h] [-V]

Free, open source crypto trading bot

positional arguments:
    trade               Trade module.
    create-userdir      Create user-data directory.
    new-config          Create new config
    show-config         Show resolved config
    new-strategy        Create new strategy
    download-data       Download backtesting data.
    convert-data        Convert candle (OHLCV) data from one format to
    convert-trade-data  Convert trade data from one format to another.
    trades-to-ohlcv     Convert trade data to OHLCV data.
    list-data           List downloaded data.
    backtesting         Backtesting module.
    backtesting-show    Show past Backtest results
                        Backtest Analysis module.
    edge                Edge module.
    hyperopt            Hyperopt module.
    hyperopt-list       List Hyperopt results
    hyperopt-show       Show details of Hyperopt results
    list-exchanges      Print available exchanges.
    list-markets        Print markets on exchange.
    list-pairs          Print pairs on exchange.
    list-strategies     Print available strategies.
    list-hyperoptloss   Print available hyperopt loss functions.
    list-freqaimodels   Print available freqAI models.
    list-timeframes     Print available timeframes for the exchange.
    show-trades         Show trades.
    test-pairlist       Test your pairlist configuration.
    convert-db          Migrate database to different system
    install-ui          Install FreqUI
    plot-dataframe      Plot candles with indicators.
    plot-profit         Generate plot showing profits.
    webserver           Webserver module.
    strategy-updater    updates outdated strategy files to the current version
    lookahead-analysis  Check for potential look ahead bias.
    recursive-analysis  Check for potential recursive formula issue.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit